A better assessment of personality in language-learning situations


  • Omar Karlin Toyo University
  • Sayaka Karlin Toyo Gakuen University




Personality, Rasch Analysis, Factor Analysis, Language-Learning Situations, Validity


Two hundred and sixty-two items, using a five-point Likert scale, were created and administered to 287 Japanese university students to measure five personality factors based on the extraversion, emotional stability, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness factors of the Big Five model of personality (McCrae and Costa, 1987). These items were then culled to 50 items by examining their suitability through factor analysis and Rasch analysis, resulting in two 50-item versions of the Questionnaire of English Environment Personality (QuEEP). Both versions of the QuEEP included 10 items for each of the five personality factors in the Big Five. Both versions of the QuEEP outperformed an established personality instrument not specifically intended for language-learning situations, the International Personality Item Pool Big Five Factor Markers test (IPIP BFFM), on five measures of validity, including content validity, the substantive aspect of construct validity, structural validity, external validity, and generalizability. As a result, it was concluded that the QuEEP, specifically the version derived from the Rasch analysis, was more effective than the IPIP BFFM at capturing personality situated in language-learning situations.

Author Biographies

  • Omar Karlin, Toyo University

    Omar Karlin is currently a Lecturer of English at Toyo University, and completed his Doctorate in TESOL from Temple University in 2015. His research interests include test construction, teaching listening, and the intersection of language and personality.

  • Sayaka Karlin, Toyo Gakuen University

    Sayaka Karlin is currently an Adjunct Professor of English at Toyo Gakuen University, and completed her Masters in TESOL from Temple University in 2018. Her research interests include vocabulary acquisition and the intersection of language and personality.


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How to Cite

Karlin, O., & Karlin, S. (2018). A better assessment of personality in language-learning situations. Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science, 4(1), 3-49. https://doi.org/10.1558/jrds.31833