On the Impact of Aptness, Conventionality and Familiarity on Metaphor Processing from a Meta-analytical Point of View


  • Csilla Rákosi University of Debrecen




metaphor processing, psycholinguistic experiments, statistical meta-analysis, diverging evidence, conflict resolution


Psycholinguistic research into metaphor processing is burdened with empirical problems as experiments provide diverging evidence on the impact of conventionality, familiarity and aptness, and with conceptual issues as the interpretation and operationalization of the three concepts mentioned, as well as the related predictions which can be drawn from theories of metaphor processing, are controversial in the literature. This paper uses tools of statistical meta-analysis in order to bring us closer to the solution of these problems and reveal future lines of research.

Author Biography

  • Csilla Rákosi, University of Debrecen

    Csilla Rákosi, Senior research fellow, MTA-DE-SZTE Research Group for Theoretical Linguistics, University of Debrecen, 4002 Debrecen, Hungary.


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How to Cite

Rákosi, C. (2020). On the Impact of Aptness, Conventionality and Familiarity on Metaphor Processing from a Meta-analytical Point of View. Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science, 6(1), 55-106. https://doi.org/10.1558/jrds.40430