Exploring Meta-analysis for Historical Corpus Linguistics Based on Linked Data


  • Joonas Kesäniemi University of Helsinki
  • Turo Vartiainen University of Helsinki
  • Tanja Säily University of Helsinki
  • Terttu Nevalainen University of Helsinki




corpus linguistics, meta analysis, open data


Empirical work on English historical corpus linguistics is plentiful but fragmented, and some of it is hard to come by. This paper proposes a solution for making it more accessible and reusable for meta-analysis. We present an online Language Change Database (LCD), which provides comparative, real-time baseline data from earlier corpus-based studies. LCD entries summarize the findings and include numerical data from the articles. We discuss the LCD from the perspective of database design and linked data management. Furthermore, we illustrate the reuse of LCD data through a meta-analysis of the history of English connectives. For this purpose, we have developed an application called the LCD Aggregated Data Analysis workbench (LADA). We show how researchers can use LADA to filter, refine and visualize LCD data. Thus we are paving the way for a future where both research results and research data are regularly available for verification, validation and re-use.


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How to Cite

Kesäniemi, J., Vartiainen, T., Säily, T., & Nevalainen, T. (2019). Exploring Meta-analysis for Historical Corpus Linguistics Based on Linked Data. Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science, 5(1-2), 4-47. https://doi.org/10.1558/jrds.36709