Announcement of New Editors-in-Chief


Equinox  is pleased to announce that Marcia Veirano Pinto and Daniel Granados Meroño have been appointed as the new Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science.

Marcia Veirano Pinto is a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and a professor in the School of Philosophy, Languages and Humanities, São Paulo Federal University, Brazil. She is the general editor of the journal DELTA: Documentação e estudos em linguística teórica e aplicada and a co-editor of books on corpus linguistics. She has authored several book chapters on corpus research and specializes in the analysis of register variation in screen dialogue.

Daniel Granados Meroño holds a BA in Translation Studies and a MA in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. He is currently a PhD Candidate in Corpus Linguistics at the University of Murcia, Spain. He has authored publications on corpus research, register variation and translation in legal discourse. He currently works on the study of new approaches and methods for the study of legal discourse, focused on Multidimensional Analysis and statistical analysis in R.

The new Editors-in-chief wish for JRDS to continue to be an important outlet for research on how quantitative methods and statistical techniques can supplement qualitative analyses in linguistics and communication science. This approach opens up important and exciting theoretical perspectives, as well as solutions for a wide range of practical problems, by introducing into linguistics and communication science the methods and models of advanced scientific disciplines prevalent within the natural sciences, economics, and psychology. It aims at the dissemination and publication of original contributions which bring developments and improvement in quantitative methodologies to the attention of both linguists and communication scholars.

Contributions should contain empirical analyses of data from different languages and from different theoretical perspectives and frameworks, providing new findings and innovative approaches in any area of linguistics and communication science.

The journal publishes two issues per volume year, and welcomes proposals for guest-edited special issues.

For information on submitting articles to the Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science, please access the submission page at