Diagnostic accuracy of current assessment measures for developmental language disorders in bilingual children

A systematic review


  • Xueao Cao Department of Communicative Disorders, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
  • Ruixia Yan Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, North Carolina Central University




diagnosis, developmental language disorder, assessment, bilingualism, children, systematic review


Background: Speech-language pathologists are facing challenges in assessing bilingual children with developmental language disorder (DLD). The study aimed to systematically review the literature for the past five years and evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of current assessment measures in the identification of DLD in bilingual children.

Method: Through a keyword search from four electronic databases and a manual search of reference lists, eligible studies were identified and evaluated with respect to quality of evidence, study characteristics, and reported diagnostic accuracy.

Results: The assessment measures used in the studies varied widely in format, emphasis, and origin. Most studies lacked clear descriptions of controls for potential biases, making it difficult to rate specific quality indicators and decreasing the overall quality of evidence. Diagnostic accuracy of assessment measures across studies ranged from poor to good. Mixed measures showed a higher percentage of good diagnostic accuracy compared to linguistic and nonlinguistic ones.

Discussion/conclusions: Evidence supports the previous findings regarding the difficulties in developing appropriate assessment tools and advocacy for using converging evidence in assessment. Limitations in methodology discussed in the past literature still exist, which may result in inflated diagnostic accuracy and decreased validity.

Author Biographies

  • Xueao Cao, Department of Communicative Disorders, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

    Xueao Cao is currently a PhD student at the Department of Communicative Disorders, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She received her MSc from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at North Carolina Central University.

  • Ruixia Yan, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, North Carolina Central University

    Dr. Ruixia Yan is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at North Carolina Central University. Her areas of research, scholarship, and teaching are in CLD, child language development and disorders, literacy, etc. 


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How to Cite

Cao, X., & Yan, R. (2024). Diagnostic accuracy of current assessment measures for developmental language disorders in bilingual children: A systematic review. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 15(1), 66-98. https://doi.org/10.1558/jircd.26978