Cognitive Science of Religion? In the Future Tense?


  • Jeppe Sinding Jensen Aarhus University



Cognition, Individualistic methodology, epiphenomenology, constructionism, imagination, predictive coding, collective cognition, religion


Claire White’s introduction to the Cognitive Science of Religion is a valuable research and teaching tool. The uninitiated will truly benefit from the meticulously and clearly formulated expositions of this recent field of research on religion. Although clearly written with students in mind, the volume presents a great opportunity for scholars from other fields to familiarize themselves with the CSR as it has so far been established. A few possible additions and new research avenues are sketched out.

Author Biography

  • Jeppe Sinding Jensen, Aarhus University

    Emeritus Senior Lecturer, Dr. Phil., Department of the Study of Religion Interacting Minds Centre Research Associate, Aarhus University, Denmark


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Heyes, C. (2018). Cognitive gadgets: The cultural evolution of thinking. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press.

Huebner, B. (2013). Macrocognition: A theory of distributed minds and collective intentionality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Jensen, J. S. (2019). What is religion? London and New York: Routledge.

Martin, L. H., &. Wiebe, D. (2019). The cognitive science of religion after twenty-five years. London: Bloomsbury.

Plotkin, H. (2002). The imagined world made real: Towards a natural science of culture. London: Allen Lane.

Searle, J. R. (2011). Making the social world: The structure of human civilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.





Book Panel

How to Cite

Jensen, J. S. . (2022). Cognitive Science of Religion? In the Future Tense?. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 7(2), 154–157.