Fast and Slow

Questions and Observations in the Psychology of Religion


  • Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi University of Haifa



experiments, cognitive science of religion, ethics, history, biology, mainstreaming, cross-cultural, psychology of religion


Are there any methodological issues unique to the psychology of religion? The claim has been made that the psychology of religion was decisively hampered by its inability to conduct true experiments. Looking at the past half-century, it is shown that there are no limits on experimentation in the field, and that both interesting theories and original experiments have been mainstreaming it within psychology. The rise of CSR has been a major stimulus, together with other fruitful approaches. Challenging CSR notions can only lead to more progress. The need for treating both biological and historical generalizations with caution may force psychologists to focus on cross-cultural experimentation, which promises significant insights.

Author Biography

  • Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, University of Haifa

    Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology


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Invited Essay

How to Cite

Beit-Hallahmi, B. (2021). Fast and Slow: Questions and Observations in the Psychology of Religion. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 6(1-2), 10–30.