The Unconventional Beliefs of Conventional Churchgoers

The Matter of Luck


  • Leslie J. Francis
  • Emyr Williams
  • Mandy Robbins



Anglican, luck, unconventional belief


A sample of 65 men and 93 women attending eight Anglican churches in Wales completed a questionnaire concerned with beliefs, attitudes and practices. Alongside conventional Christian belief, unconventional belief was assessed by eight items relating to good luck and eight items relating to bad luck. Alongside conventional Christian behaviour, unconventional behaviour was assessed by eight items relating to protection from bad luck or promotion of good luck. The data demonstrate how many churchgoers combine their conventional Christian beliefs about God with unconventional beliefs about good and bad luck. It is perhaps this special blend of conventional Christian beliefs and practices with unconventional beliefs and practices that helps to define the implicit religion of Anglicans in Britain today.

Author Biographies

  • Leslie J. Francis
    Director, Welsh National Centre for Religious Education, University of Wales, Bangor, UK
  • Emyr Williams
    Welsh National Centre for Religious Education, University of Wales, Bangor, UK
  • Mandy Robbins
    Welsh National Centre for Religious Education, University of Wales, Bangor, UK


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How to Cite

Francis, L. J., Williams, E., & Robbins, M. (2008). The Unconventional Beliefs of Conventional Churchgoers: The Matter of Luck. Implicit Religion, 9(3), 305-314.