Non-institutional Religion in Modern Society


  • Meerten ter Borg University of Leiden, The Netherlands



non-institutional religion, modern society


This is the lecture given by Meerten ter Borg upon accepting the Chair in Noninstitutional Religion in Modern Society at the University of Leiden, Netherlands. It opens by outlining a theoretical model which explains why religion is a timeless phenomenon. It goes on to give an impression of the relationship between institutional and non-institutional religion. Then it suggests what the causes are of the growing importance of religion in modern society. It then uses the theoretical model to make it clear why this so-called comeback of religion is partly non-institutional. The conclusion provides a few examples of non-institutional religion.

Author Biography

  • Meerten ter Borg, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
    University of Leiden


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How to Cite

Borg, M. ter. (2008). Non-institutional Religion in Modern Society. Implicit Religion, 11(2), 127-141.