Vegetarianism as an Example of Dispersed Religiosity


  • Agnieszka Dyczewska Institute for the Scientific Study of Religion, Jagiellonian University



Vegetarianism, Poland, religion


May the vegetarian movement be regarded as a field where a modern dispersed religiosity can manifest itself? This article presents a summary of my research, aimed to answer this question, at least in regard to the Polish case. A theoretical background will be outlined, together with the justification for the choice of material that was analyzed, and the Polish vegetarian movement will be briefly described. Then the results of my research will be presented, including a description of the values that are crucial for Polish vegetarianism. Most attention, however, will be focused on the process of the formation of a vegetarian worldview within individuals’ biographies.

Author Biography

  • Agnieszka Dyczewska, Institute for the Scientific Study of Religion, Jagiellonian University
    Institute for the Scientific Study of Religion Jagiellonian University Kraków


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How to Cite

Dyczewska, A. (2008). Vegetarianism as an Example of Dispersed Religiosity. Implicit Religion, 11(2), 111-125.