Cultural Uniqueness and Implicit Religion


  • Edward Dutton



Implicit religion, Finland, uniqueness, Cultural Relativism, Culture, Nationalism


This article will argue that “uniqueness” can be understood as a form of Implicit Religion. This will be demonstrated through an analysis of the word and the use of fieldwork in two cultures in which “uniqueness” is a strong component of the nationalist discourse. In doing so, it will respond to serious and superficially persuasive criticisms of the idea that uniqueness relates to religion and, implicitly, to Implicit Religion as a concept. It will highlight the logically unsustainable philosophical presuppositions underlying Implicit Religion, and the false rationalist and unsustainable philosophical presuppositions underlying the critique. It will conclude that the critique itself would be fruitful pasture for Implicit Religion analysis.


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How to Cite

Dutton, E. (2010). Cultural Uniqueness and Implicit Religion. Implicit Religion, 13(2), 173-194.