Implicit Religion and the Quest for Meaning


  • Emyr Williams The University of Warwick
  • Leslie J. Francis The University of Warwick
  • Mandy Robbins The University of Warwick



purpose in life, paranormal belief, attitude toward Christianity, quest for meaning, Implicit Religion


A range of theoretical perspectives postulate that religion, in both its implicit and explicit manifestations, is associated with the quest for meaning and purpose in life. This theoretical perspective is examined by the administration of the Purpose in Life Test (developed by Crumbaugh & Maholick) to a sample of 139 undergraduate students from Northern Ireland and Wales, alongside measures concerned with contrasting views of transcendence: the Revised Paranormal Belief Scale (developed by Tobacyk) and the Scale of Attitude towards Christianity (developed by Francis). The data demonstrate that purpose in life is significantly related to conceptualisations of transcendence. The implications of these fascinating findings for nuancing the construct of implicit religion are discussed.


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How to Cite

Williams, E., Francis, L. J., & Robbins, M. (2011). Implicit Religion and the Quest for Meaning. Implicit Religion, 14(1), 45-65.