Culture Shock as Implicit Religion in the Romantic Tradition


  • Edward Dutton Oulu City Council, and Oulu University



Culture Shock, , Culture, Cultural Relativism, Romanticism


This article will examine the religious dimensions to the phenomenon of Culture Shock. Drawing upon a functionalist definition of religion, it will argue, with some nuances, that Culture Shock sits in the Romantic tradition of Cultural Relativism and that this is best understood in religious terms. It will also compare Culture Shock to Religious Experience and Conversion Experience, further demonstrating its implicit religiosity. It will recommend changes in the way it is taught at many universities, as part of the burgeoning field of Intercultural Education.


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How to Cite

Dutton, E. (2011). Culture Shock as Implicit Religion in the Romantic Tradition. Implicit Religion, 14(1), 1-21.