Playing with Religion in Contemporary Theatre


  • Kees de Groot Tilburg University



implicit religion, drama, ritual


Contemporary theatre sometimes uses religious language, symbols, and poses. What do these references mean? Reflection on four productions shows the usefulness of tools developed in the study of liturgy. First, this helps to produce an account of the roles of the sacred and of community in theatre shows. Secondly, this throws light on the appearance of religion in ‘liquid modernity’. Thirdly, the study of religion in theatre shows how boundaries between fields are fluid – not only between arts and religion, but also between the field of arts and the academic field. Both deal with the significance of religion in a world where religious traditions are questioned and used, both in and outside the religious sphere.

Author Biography

  • Kees de Groot, Tilburg University
    Lecturer Practical Theology and Religious Studies


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How to Cite

de Groot, K. (2013). Playing with Religion in Contemporary Theatre. Implicit Religion, 15(4), 457-475.