The Tenacity of the God-Problem: The Notion of God in Implicit Religion


  • Wilhelm Dupré Malden/Nijmegen 2012



God-symbols, Implicit Religion, Ritual, Myth, Culture, Limit-experiences


Whereas the concept of implicit religion relates to the emergence of new religious attitudes within, and apart from, explicitly religious traditions, the god-problem presents itself as an issue of particular concern, especially when it seems to be irrelevant. To shed light on this problem the paper concentrates on the formation of god-symbols and the relations between them by taking into consideration that the dynamics of cultural reality generates its own god-symbols. Since this process necessarily leads to the one symbol of cultural reality, it compels us to think of this symbol as the ultimately one god-symbol which collects all other god-symbols as its elements, to the effect that it precedes them in terms of measure and principle. The paper discusses some of the ramifications of this symbol by focusing on its meaning in religious traditions, as well as in connection with doctrinal considerations which accompany and mark the emergence of implicit religion.


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How to Cite

Dupré, W. (2013). The Tenacity of the God-Problem: The Notion of God in Implicit Religion. Implicit Religion, 16(1), 1–25.