Celebrity Worship and Religion Revisited


  • Lynn E. McCutcheon North American Journal of Psychology
  • Robert Lowinger Bluefield State University
  • Maria Wong Idaho State University
  • William Jenkins Mercer University




celebrity worship, religiosity, Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS), Quest Scale, Age-Universal I-E Scale


We administered the Celebrity Attitude Scale, Quest Scale, and the Age-Universal I-E scale-12 to 164 undergraduates from three institutions in the United States in order to compare their religious values with a sample of English participants obtained by Maltby, et al. (2002). Results showed no overall relationship between the tendency to admire celebrities and religiosity, as measured by Quest and the Age-Universal I-E scale-12. The mean of the 12 relationships reported here was only +.12, indicating that many religious persons either ignore the Christian teaching that “Thou shalt worship no other Gods,” or they fail to link it to their worship of celebrities. Results were discussed in light of the previous study and suggestions were made for the further study of the relationship between celebrity worship and religiosity.


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How to Cite

McCutcheon, L. E., Lowinger, R., Wong, M., & Jenkins, W. (2013). Celebrity Worship and Religion Revisited. Implicit Religion, 16(3), 319–328. https://doi.org/10.1558/imre.v16i3.319-328