The Engineer is Professionally a Person of Faith

A Theological-Historical Perspective


  • Ton Meijknecht Motiv, Delft University of Technology



technology, profession, faith, expression, revelation


The professional engineer exists, thanks to his own particular form of faith. Without this faith, his professional group cannot exist, as is the case with other professions: doctors, nurses, teachers and lawyers. This article restricts itself to members of this one specific professional group. It describes the genesis and the development of their living conditions, a spirituality of their own. The problem this article focuses on is the lack of linguistic skills among engineers. In expressing themselves, they prefer mathematical or physical formulations. That is their forte. But existential motives can rarely be embodied in that language, whereas those are indeed at the core of their profession. With a few exceptions, engineers depend on others to make their inner motivations more explicit. In this article, a theologian dares to probe these motives.


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How to Cite

Meijknecht, T. (2014). The Engineer is Professionally a Person of Faith: A Theological-Historical Perspective. Implicit Religion, 17(2), 183-196.