The Subjective Secularization of Great Britain, 1991–2007


  • Donald Swenson Mount Royal University, Calgary



subjective secularization, secularization thesis, macro, meso and micro levels, British Household Panel Surveys


Scholarly debates continue to abound on the theme and the theory of secularization and its counterpart, sacralization. This paper will present a succinct review of relevant sources that address this debate. The focus will be on what Berger terms “subjective secularization,” and evidence from a longitudinal study of British subjects surveyed from 1991 to 2007 will provide substantial support for a subjective secularization thesis.


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How to Cite

Swenson, D. (2014). The Subjective Secularization of Great Britain, 1991–2007. Implicit Religion, 17(2), 165-182.