Winter Wandering on Snow Shoes

Manifestation of Transcendence and Spirituality in Participants’ Mind-Maps


  • Ivo Jirasek Palacký University Olomouc



Spirituality, Mind Map, Authenticity, Wandering, Non-religious Pilgrimage, Snow Shoe


The purpose of this article is to show the changes of understanding in participants’ mind maps, following the winter Outward Bound course in the Czech Republic. The two-week program includes walking on snow shoes in winter for 10 kilometers—more than 6 miles—every day, bivouacking in the open before sunset, collecting firewood, making preparations for food and sleep: all, of course, profane activities. Participants’ mind maps, however, show radical changes in their understanding of the Course (and probably changes in their understanding of life). Transcendence (a sign of spirituality) is made visible in some mind-maps. Such experience manifests some kind of pilgrimage experience, without of course a religious framework. Such a journey should therefore be classified as spiritual. Spirituality, which can be perceived not only as an aspect of religiosity, but as an individual’s way of existence, could be perceived as the central concept for such travelling. Authenticity and spirituality are basic terms for the right understanding of particular travellers’ modes of experience.

Author Biography

  • Ivo Jirasek, Palacký University Olomouc
    Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc


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How to Cite

Jirasek, I. (2015). Winter Wandering on Snow Shoes: Manifestation of Transcendence and Spirituality in Participants’ Mind-Maps. Implicit Religion, 18(3), 423-438.