One Nation, Many Faiths

Civic-Cultural Nationalism and Religious Pluralism in the Scottish Interfaith Literature


  • Liam T. Sutherland University of Edinburgh



interfaith, religious pluralism, banal nationalism, civic-cultural nationalism, world religions paradigm, Scotland


This article examines the representation of Scottish national identity and religious pluralism within the literature of Interfaith Scotland: a nationwide interfaith body formed after the establishment of the devolved Scottish Parliament in 1999. I will show that a form of civic and cultural nationalism is evident within that literature. I will also demonstrate that its representations of religious pluralism are structured by the world religions paradigm. It is argued that these different categories are represented as complementary and non-competitive. That representations of religions as universalistic, global and transcendent entail that they do not compete with the limited, bounded and ultimately sovereign national identity of Scotland.


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How to Cite

Sutherland, L. T. (2017). One Nation, Many Faiths: Civic-Cultural Nationalism and Religious Pluralism in the Scottish Interfaith Literature. Implicit Religion, 20(1), 68-88.