Influence of vocal effort on average and variability of fundamental frequency


  • Michael Jessen Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
  • Olaf Koster Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
  • Stefan Gfroerer Bundeskriminalamt, Germany



forensic speaker identification, fundamental frequency, Lombard speech, vocal effort, reading, spontaneous speech


Read and spontaneous speech was produced by 100 male adult speakers of German in a neutral setting and in a Lombard setting, where 80 dB noise was presented over headphones. Average f0 (‘f0mean’) and relative standard deviation of f0 (‘f0varco’) were determined for each speaker in each of the four conditions spontaneous neutral, spontaneous loud, read neutral and read loud. The results confirm that when increasing vocal effort from neutral to loud speech, f0mean increases as well. None of the 100 speakers posed an exception to this effect, but the size of the effect differed between speakers, even after differences in amplitude level were accounted for. F0varco was significantly higher in loud than normal speech for the reading task, whereas in spontaneous speech no significant difference occurred. These results are compared with the literature and discussed with respect to explanations and forensicphonetic implications.

Author Biographies

  • Michael Jessen, Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
    Michael Jessen obtained MA degrees in linguistics from the University of Bielefeld and from Cornell University where he also completed his PhD with a study on German phonetics and phonology. Since 2001 he has worked in the Speaker Identification and Audio Analysis Department at the Bundeskriminalamt, Germany.
  • Olaf Koster, Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
    Olaf Koster received his MA in phonetics and German philology (1994) and his PhD (1997) from the University of Trier. He works as an expert in speaker recognition and audio analysis for the Speaker Identification and Audio Analysis Department at the German Bundeskriminalamt.
  • Stefan Gfroerer, Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
    Stefan Gfroerer (MA, DPhil) received his PhD in psycholinguistics, phonetics and psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU), Munich. He is head of the Speaker Identification and Audio Analysis Department at the German Bundeskriminalamt.






How to Cite

Jessen, M., Koster, O., & Gfroerer, S. (2005). Influence of vocal effort on average and variability of fundamental frequency. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 12(2), 174-213.