Case report: Elonis v. United States


  • Jeffrey P. Kaplan San Diego State University



threats, speech acts, Elonis


The U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Elonis v. United States (575 U.S. __ (2015)), a case about threats, and the underlying trial and appellate decisions, are analysed. Threats can be perlocutionary or illocutionary. When they are illocutionary, they are always indirect speech acts, requiring a Gricean chain of reasoning to infer their threatening nature. This has the consequence that every putative threat has, also, a non-threat interpretation, making it sometimes difficult to prove that an utterance was a threat. In this report, Anthony Elonis’s Facebook postings of allegedly threatening items are analysed pragmatically; the sophisticated linguistic reasoning used by the appeals court after Elonis’s conviction – involving semantic opacity – is described; and the final outcome of Elonis’s case, the Supreme Court’s decision, is analysed. That decision is both frustrating, because it leaves unresolved what the standard for proof is for threatening, and interesting, because the majority opinion, and, in particular, the dissent by Justice Alito, adduce a factor – recklessness – unnecessary to the linguistic analysis of threatening but relevant to the legal standard of proof for conviction for unlawful threatening.

Author Biography

  • Jeffrey P. Kaplan, San Diego State University
    Jeffrey P. Kaplan is professor of linguistics at San Diego State University and a research associate affiliated with the linguistics program at Western Washington University. Besides a PhD in linguistics (University of Pennsylvania) he holds a JD (University of San Diego). Areas of interest include discourse-functional syntax, pragmatics, and applying principles of syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse structure to legal discourses such as legislation, contracts, wills and other operative texts. Publications include ‘Unfaithful to textualism’, Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 10(2): 385–429 (2012); with Betty J. Birner and Gregory Ward, ‘Functional compositionality and the interaction of discourse constraints’, Language 83(2): 317–343 (2007); and an English grammar textbook, English Grammar: Principles and Facts (Prentice-Hall,1989 (2nd ed. 1995)).


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Case Reports

How to Cite

Kaplan, J. P. (2016). Case report: Elonis v. United States. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 23(2), 275-292.