'Forensic Linguistics in Australia: Origins, Progress and Prospects' Diana Eades, Helen Fraser and Georgina Heydon (2023)


  • Alexandra Grey University of Technology Sydney




book review, Forensic Linguistics in Australia, Diana Eades, Helen Fraser, Georgina Heydon


Forensic Linguistics in Australia: Origins, Progress and Prospects
Diana Eades, Helen Fraser and Georgina Heydon (2023)
Cambridge University Press. 90 pp.

Author Biography

  • Alexandra Grey, University of Technology Sydney

    Dr Alexandra Grey is a Chancellor’s Research Fellow in the University of Technology Sydney’s Faculty of Law (see further https://profiles.uts.edu.au/Alexandra.Grey) and the PhD Abstracts Editor of this journal.


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Book Reviews

How to Cite

Grey, A. (2023). ’Forensic Linguistics in Australia: Origins, Progress and Prospects’ Diana Eades, Helen Fraser and Georgina Heydon (2023) . International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 30(1), 144-151. https://doi.org/10.1558/ijsll.26680