Controlled voice quality modifications

Acoustic, perceptual and ASR analysis


  • Tomáš Nechanský Charles University
  • Alžběta Houzar Charles University
  • Tomáš Bořil Charles University
  • Radek Skarnitzl Charles University



voice quality, voice disguise, phonation, articulation, Czech


Within-speaker variability, which results from the plasticity of speech production, is an inherent feature of speaker comparison. This study examines targeted modifications of voice quality, both phonatory and articulatory, in Czech. Fifteen speakers were instructed to read a text in 15 different versions (e.g. palatalised voice, denasalised voice, breathy phonation, or a combination of open jaw and creaky voice). Acoustic analyses revealed that F3 is relatively stable across various voice quality settings, while harmonicity and spectral slope indicators are sensitive to the phonatory modifications. A perceptual test, administered online to 120 participants, showed that palatalised, pharyngealised, creaky, and pressed voice were regarded as most different from the speakers’ habitual voices. Finally, automatic speaker recognition scores were very good with the targeted voice quality modifications, with LLR between 3 and 10. Pressed phonation turned out to have the greatest effect on all three types of analysis.

Author Biographies

  • Tomáš Nechanský, Charles University

    Tomáš Nechanský is a Ph.D. candidate in phonetics at the Institute of Phonetics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. He is a published author in the field of forensic phonetics, focusing mainly on segmental features. Currently, he delivers lectures and seminars on Modern Technologies in Education and English Phonetics and Phonology at Prague City University. His professional roles have included linguistic analysis, project management and teaching English at various education levels.

  • Alžběta Houzar, Charles University

    Alžběta Houzar is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Phonetics in Prague. Her main research subject is intra-speaker and inter-speaker variability in acoustic parameters of speech signal; she is interested in its relation to different factors such as speech style or voice disguise. Additionally, she is currently focusing on speech acquisition, particularly the development of speech perception and comprehension of pragmatic aspects of communication.

  • Tomáš Bořil, Charles University

    Tomáš Bořil received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. He is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Phonetics in Prague. His research is focused on speech acoustics, perception, biological signal processing, statistics and software design including real-time speech processing. He is the author of the rPraat/mPraat package.

  • Radek Skarnitzl, Charles University

    Radek Skarnitzl is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Phonetics in Prague. His research focuses on issues related to speaker identification, especially the effects of voice disguise. He is also interested in the teaching of pronunciation of English and particularly its prosodic features, as well as the impact of various pronunciation features on the socio-psychological evaluation of speakers in both native and foreign languages. 


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How to Cite

Nechanský, T., Houzar, A., Bořil, T., & Skarnitzl, R. (2024). Controlled voice quality modifications: Acoustic, perceptual and ASR analysis. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law.