Suspects’ opportunities to claim their legal rights in police investigative interviews


  • Aafke Diepeveen University of South-Eastern Norway
  • Jan Svennevig University of Agder and University of Oslo
  • Paweł Urbanik Norwegian University of Science and Technology



communication of rights, police investigative interview, Right to silence, question design, conversation analysis, preference organization


When interviewed by the police, suspects are to be informed that they have the right to remain silent and the right to obtain the assistance of a defence counsel. This article presents a conversation analytic study of how it is established in interaction whether a suspect wants to go through with the interview or end it by invoking their legal rights. The data is a corpus of audio recordings of authentic police interviews conducted in Norway. First, we present a quantitative measure of how often suspects are asked explicit questions about whether they want to exercise their right to silence and/or to legal counsel. Second, we investigate variation in the design of such questions, concentrating specifically on expressions involving a preference for one response option over the other. Third, we discuss formulations used while presenting the rights that may legitimise or inhibit a free and independent decision. The results show that suspects are often not asked to take a stance on their rights, and when they are, such questions often involve a bias towards waiving their rights. And although some officers explicitly inform the suspects that they are free to choose whatever option they like, others provide information about the interview that either presupposes willingness to talk or presents the option of waiving one’s rights as preferable to invoking them. These findings have important implications for the safeguarding of suspects’ rights and form the basis for recommendations to the police about how to give suspects the opportunity to take a stance on their legal rights.

Author Biographies

  • Aafke Diepeveen, University of South-Eastern Norway

    Aafke Diepeveen is a PhD research fellow at the Department of Languages and Literature Studies at the University of South-Eastern Norway. Her research focuses on interaction in police investigative interviews.

  • Jan Svennevig, University of Agder and University of Oslo

    Jan Svennevig is Professor at the University of Agder and Research Professor at MultiLing – Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan at the University of Oslo. His research deals with conversation analysis in multilingual settings. He has conducted extensive research on conversations between first- and second-language speakers, with an emphasis on practices used by first-language speakers for establishing, checking and securing mutual understanding. He has also published studies on sources of misunderstanding and hostility in intercultural and multilingual conversations in various institutional settings. He is currently the PI of the project Communicating Rights in Police Investigative Interviews.

  • Paweł Urbanik, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Paweł Urbanik is Associate Professor at the Department of Language and Literature at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. His research focuses on the sequential analysis of police interviews, second-language interaction, gesture–syntax alignment and the grammar of directives in various settings. Recent work: P. Urbanik and A. Pavlenko (2021) ‘Securing understanding in a second language: Communication of rights in investigative interviews in the USA and Norway’, in R. Blackwood and U. Røyneland (eds.), Spaces of Multilingualism 92–112. Abingdon: Routledge.


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How to Cite

Diepeveen, A., Svennevig, J., & Urbanik, P. (2022). Suspects’ opportunities to claim their legal rights in police investigative interviews. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 28(2), 171–200.