The pandemic and the forensic linguistics caseworker’s wellbeing

effects and recommendations


  • Roser Giménez Universitat de Barcelona and Laboratorio SQ-Lingüistas Forenses
  • Solly Elstein University of Birmingham
  • Sheila Queralt Laboratorio SQ-Lingüistas Forenses



COVID, pandemic, lockdown, forensic linguist, caseworker, mental wellbeing


Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries have implemented different measures to control the spread of the disease. Policies like lockdowns can negatively impact citizens’ wellbeing (e.g. Rossi et al. 2020), including professionals working with sensitive data and in legal settings (e.g. Barros et al. 2020). For the first time, this article addresses how this general crisis may have affected forensic linguistics caseworkers’ practices and wellbeing. In November 2020, a fixed-response questionnaire was circulated among the forensic linguistics online community. Results show that the most consequential changes in the caseworkers’ professional practices brought about by the pandemic have to do with their working environment and schedule. Following the discussion of the results, some recommendations regarding caseworkers’ self-care are outlined and discussed. Given the constant changes in policies and the evolution of the pandemic, further surveys and a general discussion concerning practitioners’ wellbeing would benefit this professional community.

Author Biographies

  • Roser Giménez, Universitat de Barcelona and Laboratorio SQ-Lingüistas Forenses

    Roser Giménez García is a doctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona and coordinator of the Text Analysis Unit at Laboratorio SQ. She holds a Master of Arts in Forensic Linguistics and is an admitted legal expert in forensic linguistics by the Official Association of Doctors and Graduates in Philosophy and Arts and Sciences of Catalonia and a member of many associations devoted to forensic linguistics. She is co-author of Soy lingüista, lingüista forense.

  • Solly Elstein, University of Birmingham

    Solly Elstein is a doctoral researcher at the University of Birmingham funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. She works in the fields of corpus linguistics and conversation analysis after graduating with an MA in Forensic Linguistics (Aston University) in 2019.

  • Sheila Queralt, Laboratorio SQ-Lingüistas Forenses

    Dr Sheila Queralt Estevez is the founder and director of Laboratorio SQ. She is an admitted legal expert in forensic linguistics by the Official Association of Doctors and Graduates in Philosophy and Arts and Sciences of Catalonia and a member of many associations devoted to forensic linguistics. She is the author of the Decalogue for Requesting a Linguistics Expert Report and Atrapados por la lengua, and co-author of Soy lingüista, lingüista forense and Fundamentos de la lingüística forense.


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How to Cite

Giménez, R., Elstein, S., & Queralt, S. (2021). The pandemic and the forensic linguistics caseworker’s wellbeing: effects and recommendations. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 27(2), 233-254.