What is the role of expertise in Language Analysis for Determination of Origin (LADO)? A rejoinder to Cambier-Langeveld


  • Peter L. Patrick University of Essex




LADO, sociolinguistics, forensic phonetics, language analysis



Author Biography

  • Peter L. Patrick, University of Essex
    Peter L. Patrick is Professor of Sociolinguistics and Member of the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex. His work includes language variation and change, pidgin/creole studies, sociolinguistic methods, and language rights, and has recently focused on evaluating language testing of asylum seekers. He has applied sociolinguistics in non-academic contexts through testimony in criminal cases, studies of clinical communication, and expert interventions in the UK asylum process.


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How to Cite

Patrick, P. L. (2016). What is the role of expertise in Language Analysis for Determination of Origin (LADO)? A rejoinder to Cambier-Langeveld. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 23(1), 133-139. https://doi.org/10.1558/ijsll.v23i1.27537