Yates, D. (2023). Line in the Sand: A Life-Changing Journey Through a Body and a Mind After Trauma


  • Lindsay B. Carey La Trobe University




Book review


Yates, D. (2023). Line in the Sand: A Life-Changing Journey Through a Body and a Mind After Trauma. Sydney: Pan Macmillan Australia, 335 pp. (pbk). ISBN: 9781761264429

Author Biography

  • Lindsay B. Carey, La Trobe University

    Dr. Lindsay B. Carey, MAppSc, PhD, CSM, Associate Professor, Palliative Care Unit, School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia


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Yates, D. (2023). Line in the sand: A life-changing journey through a body and a mind after trauma. Sydney: Pan Macmillan Australia. https://www.panmacmillan.com.au/9781761264429/





Book Reviews

How to Cite

Carey, L. B. (2024). Yates, D. (2023). Line in the Sand: A Life-Changing Journey Through a Body and a Mind After Trauma. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 12(1), 86-90. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.28857