“They are all here to see and touch”

Materiality, Religious Mixing and Post-communism: St Anthony’s Pilgrimage in Laç


  • Gianfranco Bria University of Rome ‘Sapienza’
  • Maria Chiara Giorda University of Roma Tre




Albania, post-communism, materiality, pilgrimage, Balkans, shared religious places


The sanctuary of St Anthony of Padua (Kisha e Shna Ndout) in Laç, northern Albania, is one of the most visited religious places in Albania. The small church, built there and ministered by Franciscans, is now an impressive place of worship frequented by Catholics, Muslims and Christian Orthodox. Throughout the year, pilgrims from across the country, but also from Kosovo, visit the sanctuary. On the 12th and 13th of June of each year, an official pilgrimage is held, which reaches its climax on the night of the 12th when many thousands of Albanians sleep in the shrine seeking blessings and healing. This article aims to explore pilgrimage-related practices, wherein arises materiality as a privileged means of reaching out to the divine and as a reaction to silencing during the communist era (1945–1991). Such practices are overshadowed by nationalist discourse, in which ethnic-linguistic membership outweighs the religious one, even undermining procedural and terminological normativity.


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Author Biographies

  • Gianfranco Bria, University of Rome ‘Sapienza’

    Gianfranco Bria is Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor of Islamic Law at Sapienza University of Rome, Adjunct Professor of Islam and Gender at Roma 3 University and associate member of the Cetobac (CNRS—EHESS) in Paris. His research deals with Islamic authority, sainthood and charisma in the Balkans, the embodiment experiences of daily-lived Islam (practices, beliefs and rituals) and Muslims history in southern-eastern Europe since the late modern Ottoman Empire.

  • Maria Chiara Giorda, University of Roma Tre

    Maria Chiara Giorda is Associate Professor of History of Religions at the Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Roma Tre. She obtained her doctorate in Religious Sciences at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris (2007) with a thesis on late antique Egyptian monasticism. Her research activity focuses on the following themes: history of monasticism, geography of religions, religion and urban spaces, shared religious places.


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How to Cite

Bria, G., & Giorda, M. C. (2024). “They are all here to see and touch”: Materiality, Religious Mixing and Post-communism: St Anthony’s Pilgrimage in Laç. Fieldwork in Religion, 19(1), 144–168. https://doi.org/10.1558/firn.29319