De-Radicalization of Former Terrorists

The Case of Indonesia


  • Hisanori Kato Chuo University



Islam, Indonesia, terrorism, de-radicalization, forgiveness, repentance


This article depicts the reality of de-radicalization programmes for former terrorists in Indonesia. The article aims to clarify the central advocates for, and content of, the programmes. There are several institutions that are engaged in de-radicalizing former terrorists, including both government and non-government organizations. The government is represented by the National Counter Terrorism Agency or Badan Nasional Penanggalangan Terorism (BNPT). This article also examines how these institutions play a role in the process of de-radicalization. The actual voices of former terrorists obtained through fieldwork will also be analysed with regard to how they came to regret their actions in order to scrutinize the process of their religious metamorphosis. The concept of forgiveness in Islam will also be discussed. As some might believe that Islam is a religion of punishment, it is worth analysing the merciful side of Islam.


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Author Biography

  • Hisanori Kato, Chuo University

    Hisanori Kato obtained his Master of Arts with Merit and PhD from the University of Sydney. He has conducted research on Indonesia and Islam intensively, and his published works include The Clash of Ijtihad: Fundamentalist versus Liberal Muslims (ed. 2011), Agama dan Peradaban (Religion and Civilisations, 2002), Islam di Mata Orang Jepang (Islam in Japanese Eyes, 2014), Indonesia (2021) and others. He is currently serving as Vice-president of the International Society for Comparative Studies of Civilizations, and the Japanese Society of Comparative Studies of Civilizations.


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How to Cite

Kato, H. (2023). De-Radicalization of Former Terrorists: The Case of Indonesia. Fieldwork in Religion, 18(1), 107–126.