Shifting Technologies of Reflection

Intergenerational Relationships and the Entanglements of Field and Home


  • Amy L. Allocco Elon University



ethnography, fieldwork, Tamil Nadu, India, relationships, mentoring, home, field


This article focuses on the intergenerational gifts and relationships that have structured my experience of the flows between home and the field in order to highlight the deeply intersubjective and relational aspects of fieldwork. It considers the shifting technologies of reflection—the diverse forms of field-writing that I produced at different stages as intertextual mediations of my fieldworlds—present in an archive chronicling twenty-five years of study and fieldwork in South India. Excavating this archive—which includes traditional fieldnotes, handwritten letters, creative essays, emails, voice memos and visual fieldnotes—has sharpened my awareness of the value of analyzing fieldwork experiences longitudinally and offers rich glimpses of everyday religion and gendered social relations. These materials underscore the interpenetrations of home and field, life and death, and self and other and prompt me to reaffirm my commitment to centering the crucial relationships that develop in these contexts in my scholarship, teaching and mentoring.


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Author Biography

  • Amy L. Allocco, Elon University

    Amy L. Allocco is an ethnographer whose research focuses on vernacular Hinduism, especially contemporary ritual traditions and women’s religious practices in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, where she has been studying and conducting fieldwork for twenty-five years. She has published on snake goddess traditions, the narrative strategies of a female Hindu healer, and ritual innovation. Allocco’s current project, “Domesticating the Dead: Invitation and Installation Rituals in Tamil South India”, delineates the repertoire of ritual relationships that Hindus maintain with their dead kin and analyzes the ceremonies to honor deceased relatives called pūvāt˙ aikkāri (“the woman wearing flowers”).


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How to Cite

Allocco, A. L. (2020). Shifting Technologies of Reflection: Intergenerational Relationships and the Entanglements of Field and Home. Fieldwork in Religion, 15(1-2), 159–179.