The 2006 Winter Olympics and the Shroud of Turin

A Confluence of Town, Vestment and Media


  • Donn James Tilson University of Miami



pilgrimage, public relations, relics, religion communication, spiritual tourism


This study explores the use of a sacred icon – the Shroud of Turin – as a communicative symbol in public relations campaigning by the city of Torino, the Shroud of Turin Diocesan Commission, the Museum Della Sindone and 2006 Winter Olympics’ exclusive global television broadcaster NBC and its US affiliate stations before and during the Olympics in Torino, Italy. In particular, the study examines the extent to which such communicative activity could be considered devotional-promotional in nature. A combination of qualitative methods obtained data on media, state and Church campaigning and its effects. While the Olympics provided an opportunity for these institutions to showcase their “products” on a world stage the extent to which such promotion persuaded tourists, pilgrims and others to travel to Torino – either for the Games in person or virtually - is an open question absent survey, observational and other research although above-normal Museum attendance, a spike in tourism to the region and record cyber-traffic to Olympic and host city websites do suggest certain effects of such campaigning.


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Author Biography

  • Donn James Tilson, University of Miami

    Donn James Tilson, associate professor of public relations, University of Miami, directs the School of Communication’s Consortium for International Studies in Religion, Comm-unication and Culture. A member of the Public Relations Society of America’sCollege of Fellows and past chair of PRSA’s International Section, he has published and lectured inter nationally on corporate public relations and religion and tourism. His book, Toward the Common Good: Perspectives in International Public Relations( Allyn & Bacon), was one of the first published in the field. University of Miami School of Communication Wolfson 3012 Coral Gables, Florida 33124 USA


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How to Cite

Tilson, D. (2010). The 2006 Winter Olympics and the Shroud of Turin: A Confluence of Town, Vestment and Media. Fieldwork in Religion, 4(2), 123-149.