Focusing on Horizontal Transcendence

Much More than a “Non-Belief”


  • Thomas J. Coleman III University of Tennessee–Chattanooga
  • Christopher F. Silver University of Tennessee–Chattanooga
  • Jenny Holcombe Non-Belief Research In America



humanism, non-belief, horizontal transcendence, atheism


Much of the reigning research on non-religion and non-belief focuses on demographics and personality characteristics. While this is a necessary foundation on which future research may be built upon, such data does not necessarily produce theory. In many ways the dominant cultural milieu of religions along with the benign intent of some researchers force a person who holds no belief in a God to assume an oppositional identity in relation to religion. This oppositional identity tautologically sets researchers up to continually define its object by the absence of something. This something cannot always function as a normative point of reference in which to tell researchers what to look for. This article provides one such normative trajectory, termed “horizontal transcendence.”


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How to Cite

Coleman III, T., Silver, C., & Holcombe, J. (2014). Focusing on Horizontal Transcendence: Much More than a “Non-Belief”. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 21(2), 1-18.