
  • Alzo David-West Duksung Women’s University




North Korea, Juche ideology


This essay undertakes a critical deconstruction of the core axiomatic principle of the North Korean Juche ideology: “Man is the master of everything and decides everything.” The author examines the axiom as an epistemic construction that structures human perception of objective reality, identifying fundamental philosophical problems in its binary opposition of “man” and “everything.” Despite official North Korean claims that Juche is an “original revolutionary philosophy” and a “man-centered philosophy,” critical analysis reveals that the axiom is nonsensical, that it has no genuine or real philosophical content, and that the Juche ideology is neither humanist nor materialist nor rationalist.

Author Biography

  • Alzo David-West, Duksung Women’s University

    Alzo David-West is an instructor at Duksung Women’s University in Seoul, South Korea, the newsbriefs editor for North Korean Review, and a Ph.D. candidate in communication at the European Graduate School in Leuk-Stadt, Switzerland. He holds an English MA degree from East Carolina University and an English BA degree (magna cum laude) from Chowan University. His areas of academic interest include multicultural and transnational literature, literary theory and criticism, and North Korean studies.


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How to Cite

David-West, A. (2013). “MAN IS THE MASTER OF EVERYTHING AND DECIDES EVERYTHING”: DE-CONSTRUCTING THE NORTH KOREAN JUCHE AXIOM. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 17(2), 67-84. https://doi.org/10.1558/eph.v17i2.67