Fatalism, Determinism and Free Will as the Axiomatic Foundations of Rival Moral World Views


  • Yair Schlein Open University, Israel




fatalism, free will, determinism


One of the prominent questions of moral thought throughout history is the question of moral responsibility. In other words, to what measure do human actions result from free will rather than from being subordinate to a common “predetermined” law. In ancient Greece, this question was associated with mythical figures like Moira and Ananke while in recent times it is connected with concepts such as determinism and compatibilism. The argument between these two world views crosses cultures and historical periods, giving the notion that there are two types of ethical point of view that have assumed shapes during history. These points of view are mutually exclusive on the one hand, and on the other, they both stand as axiomatic standpoints of morality throughout history. The dialectical relationship between the two formulates the moral discourse throughout history.

Author Biography

  • Yair Schlein, Open University, Israel

    Doctor at the Open University, Israel.


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How to Cite

Schlein, Y. (2014). Fatalism, Determinism and Free Will as the Axiomatic Foundations of Rival Moral World Views. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 22(1), 53-62. https://doi.org/10.1558/eph.v22i1.53