Pluralistic Humanism

Democracy and the Religious


  • Tibor Solymosi Mercyhurst University



Humanism, Atheism, Theism, Pragmatism, Democracy, Scientific atheism


I propose we discuss pluralistic humanism as an alternative to both atheism and traditional theism in an effort to establish a democratic faith to which we, despite our differences, can bind ourselves. I draw on the thought of American pragmatists (James, Dewey, Rorty, and Kitcher) to articulate a constructive criticism of new atheists (Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, and Hitchens). This criticism primarily focuses on the unacknowledged affinities between religion and scientific atheism – namely, a naive realism and a conversion experience – with the hope of using such common ground as a starting point for not only shared experience but for self-examination. I conclude with the proposal that we take up a Deweyan conception of democracy as a common faith aimed at effecting religious or spiritual experiences despite the traditional oppression of institutional religion.

Author Biography

  • Tibor Solymosi, Mercyhurst University

    Tibor Solymosi is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Mercyhurst University, USA.


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How to Cite

Solymosi, T. (2015). Pluralistic Humanism: Democracy and the Religious. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 23(1), 25-43.