Humanism and Public Policy in Germany

The Point Is to Change the World Interview with Frieder Otto Wolf


  • Frieder Otto Wolf Freie Universität Berlin
  • Charles Murn Independent Scholar



humanism, Germany, public policy, organizing


Prof. Dr. Frieder Otto Wolf, President of the Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands (HVD), provides an overview of the main currents of modern humanism in Germany. He describes the central stream of German humanism as practical, in that it combines the principled imperative to overcome all structures and situations in which people are not treated as human beings with seeking to widen the horizons of humane existence in the arts and sciences and in capabilities of leading a fulfilling life. This humanism compels resort to other criteria than nature, such as those logical, emotive, cultural, in order to gauge the acceptability of value claims. The practical efforts to humanize society and widen human horizons requires engagement in public policy debates and social organizing and programming on consensus issues. Accordingly, the HVD works on such diverse issues as strengthening the rights to bodily integrity and sexual autonomy, preventing economic collapse, accommodating immigrants, protecting personal privacy, limiting the use of military force, building intra- and international peace, and exposing anti-humanist prejudice.

Author Biographies

  • Frieder Otto Wolf, Freie Universität Berlin

    Honorary Professor of Philosophy, Institut für Philosophie

  • Charles Murn, Independent Scholar

    Philosopher and Legal Writer in Washington, D.C., U.S.








How to Cite

Wolf, F., & Murn, C. (2016). Humanism and Public Policy in Germany: The Point Is to Change the World Interview with Frieder Otto Wolf. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 24(2), 177-186.