
  • Robert D. Finch



Humanism, humanist curriculum


Overview of the role of the humanist 'educator' with an investigation into a possible humanist 'curriculum' and the elucidation of 10 principles of Humanism.

Author Biography

  • Robert D. Finch

    Robert David Finch was born in England. He went to Imperial College, University of London, where he studied Physics. While at college he helped found a Humanist club called the Huxley Society. Shortly after marrying Sheila in 1963, Bob obtained his Ph.D. and they immigrated to the United States, where Bob had a postdoctoral fellowship in the Physics Department of UCLA. He received an appointment on the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston in 1965. He received the Biennial Award of the Acoustical Society of America in 1972, and was also made a Fellow of that Society in the same year. He served as Assistant Executive Director of the Governor's Energy Advisory Council from 1973 to 1975. He served as Chairman of his department from 1976 to 1979. He is the author of some eighty technical publications.


American Humanist Association, (2003), “Humanist Manifesto III.”

Barkow, J. H., L. Cosmides and J. Tooby, Eds., (1992) “The Adapted Mind,” see article on the psychological foundations of culture by Cosmides and Tooby, Oxford University Press.

Brockman, John, Editor, (2003) “The New Humanists” Barnes and Noble.

Callahan, Kennon L. (1983) “Twelve Keys to an Effective Church,” Jossey-Bass.

Carver, John, (1997), “Boards That Make a Difference,” 2nd Ed., Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Comte-Sponville, Andre, (1996), “A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues,” Metropolitan Books.

Coon, Carl, (2004) “One Planet, One People: Beyond Us vs. Them” Prometheus Books.

Darwin, Charles, (1859), “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,” Random House Edition.

Darwin, Charles, (1871), “The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex,” Random House Edition.

Dawkins, Richard, (1998), “Unweaving the Rainbow,” Penguin Press.

Drucker, Peter, (1973) “Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices”, Harper and Row.

Drucker, Peter, (1990) “Managing the Non Profit Organization,” Harper Collins.

Edwords, Fred, (1968) “The Promise of Humanism,” recently re-published in the Houston Humanist Alliance Newsletter, Issue 70, August 2005.

Einstein, Albert, (1950), “Physics, Philosophy and Scientific Progress,” Speech to the International Congress of Surgeons. Reprinted in Physics Today, vol. 58 pp 46 – 48, (2005).

Finch, Robert D. (1998a), “Humanist Futures” Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Eds. R. D. Finch, M. Hillar & F. Prahl 7, Robert D. 30-57.

Finch, Robert D. (1998b) “The Humanist Lifestance: Important Issues in the Lives of Individuals” Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Eds. R. D. Finch, M. Hillar & F. Prahl 6, 79-109.

Finch, Robert D. “Evolution, Adaptive Systems and Humanism” Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Eds. R. D. Finch, M. Hillar & F. Prahl 8 (2000) 28-51.

Finch, Robert D. “The Evolution of Religion” Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Eds. R. D. Finch, and M. Hillar 9 (2001) 1-24.

Finch, Robert D. “Economics and Humanism” Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Eds. R. D. Finch and M. Hillar 10 (2002) 57-79.

Finch, Robert D. “The Evolution of Humanism” Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Eds. R. D. Finch and M. Hillar 10 (2002) 87-116.

Finch, Robert D. “Humanism and the Unity of Knowledge” Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Ed. M. Hillar 11 (2003) 53-78.

Finch, Robert D. “The Unitarian Connection,” Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Ed. M. Hillar 12 (2004) 45-59.

Goleman, Daniel (1995) “Emotional Intelligence,” Bantam Books.

Grayling, A. C. (2004), “What is Good? The Search for the Best Way to Live,” Weidenfeld and Nicholson.

Harris, Judith R., (1998) “The Nurture Assumption,” Bloomsbury.

Hume, David (1777), “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding,” Second edition by Hackett Publishing Co., 1993

James, William, (1890) “The Principles of Psychology,” Henry Holt.

Ridley, Matt (2003) “Nature via Nurture,” Harper Collins. Paperback edition titled: “The Agile Gene.”

Said, Edward, (2004), “Humanism and Democratic Criticism,” Columbia University Press.

Seidman, Barry F. and Neil J. Murphy, Editors, (2004), “Toward a New Political Humanism,” Prometheus Books.

Smith, George H. (1989), “Atheism: The Case against God,” Prometheus Books.

Stoesz, Edgar and Chester Raber (1994), “Doing Good Better,” Good Books.

Streit, Clarence, K., (1940), “Union Now,” Harper and Brothers.

Warren, Rick (1995) “The Purpose Driven Church,” Zondervan.

Weinberg, Steven, (1992), “Dreams of a Final Theory,” Pantheon Books.

Wilson, Edward O. (1975) “Sociobiology: The New Synthesis,” and Abridged Edition, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1979

Wood, Michael, (2005) “In Search of the First Civilizations,” BBC Books. First published in 1992.






How to Cite

Finch, R. D. (2013). THE HUMANIST HERITAGE: PRESERVATION, IMPROVEMENT AND PROMOTION. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 14(1), 29-49.