Frames and interaction on the air


  • Hao Sun Purdue University Fort Wayne



radio phone-in, discourse, frames, institutional talk, linguistic (im)politeness, chinese


Drawing on frames theory as an analytical framework, this study examines discourse interaction of a radio phone-in programme in Shanghai, during which professionals specialised in psychology or a related field provide advice to audience callers by answering questions and addressing concerns on the phone. It aims to describe and analyse what frames are constructed, and how these frames are linguistically and discursively accomplished at a local level in institutional settings. Identifying three major frames (Host, Professional, and Community), the author demonstrates how participants create, shift, and blend frames in response to the contingency of the local discursive and interactional context. This study also underlines the benefits of incorporating multiple perspectives in examination of discursive interaction.

Author Biography

  • Hao Sun, Purdue University Fort Wayne

    Hao Sun is Professor in the English and Linguistics Department at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Her research interests include discourse analysis, pragmatics, cross-cultural communication, language learning, and second and foreign language pedagogy. In addition to the book “It’s the dragons’ turn: Chinese institutional discourses” (2008. Berne: Peter Lang) co-edited with Daniel Kadar, her publications have appeared in Language in SocietyJournal of PragmaticsPragmaticsChinese Language and DiscoursePragmatics and Language LearningTESOL Case Studies Series on Interaction and Language Development and other volumes. 


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How to Cite

Sun, H. (2018). Frames and interaction on the air. East Asian Pragmatics, 3(2), 233-261.