Pipíng yuyòngxué shìjiao xià de shèhuì yòngyu yánjiu Critical Pragmatic Studies of Public Discourse Xinrén Chen (2013)


  • Yonghong Qian Nanjing Audit University






Pipíng yuyòngxué shìjiao xià de shèhuì yòngyu yánjiu Critical Pragmatic Studies of Public Discourse Xinrén Chen (2013) Shànghai wàiyu jiàoyù chubanshè

Author Biography

  • Yonghong Qian, Nanjing Audit University

    Yonghong Qian is Associate Professor in School of Foreign Languages at Nanjing University of Auditing, Nanjing, China. She has published several papers on pragmatic teaching, critical pragmatics, and interpersonal pragmatics in journals such as Modern Foreign Languages, Foreign Language Teaching Theory and Practice, Foreign Languages in China, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, Foreign Languages and Literature, and so on. She has contributed a book chapter in Xinren Chen (Ed.) (2013), Politeness Theory and Foreign Language Learning, and another chapter in Xinren Chen (Ed.) (2013), Pragmatics and Foreign Language Teaching.


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Chen, Rong (1986). Face – save face – lose face: Introducing Brown and Levinson’s politeness principles. Foreign Language, 4, 17–21.

Chen, Xinren (2009). Critical pragmatics: Objectives, subjects and methodology. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching, 12, 10–13.

Gu, Yueguo (1994). A critical review of John Searle’s speech act theory. Modern Linguistics, 3, 10–16.

Mey, Jacob (1985). Whose language? A study in linguistic pragmatics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/pbcs.3

Mey, Jacob (1993). Pragmatics: An introduction. London: Blackwell Publishers.

Shi, Xu (2012). A Chinese pattern of discursive research. Academic Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 6, 156–159.






Book Reviews

How to Cite

Qian, Y. (2016). Pipíng yuyòngxué shìjiao xià de shèhuì yòngyu yánjiu Critical Pragmatic Studies of Public Discourse Xinrén Chen (2013). East Asian Pragmatics, 1(2), 271-276. https://doi.org/10.1558/eap.v1i2.26949