On the Korean optative constructions -essumyen and -kilul from grammaticalisation and pragmatics perspectives


  • Sunhee Yae Chung-Ang University




grammaticalisation, Pragmatics, optatives, -essumyen, -kilul


Korean has diverse expressions denoting “wishes”. Among them, this paper focuses on the periphrastic constructions of [-essumyen/-kilul + desiderative verbs], excluding the construction [-ko siph-]. Using the perspectives of grammaticalisation and pragmatics, the developmental paths of how the elliptical constructions -essumyen and -kilul realise the concept of the “wish” of the speaker in the optative mood are investigated. This paper will clarify the evolution of the optative markers of -essumyen and -kilul using the mechanisms of grammaticalisation and pragmatic strategies including specialisation, subjectification, intersubjectification, politeness, insubordination, and pragmatic inferences. The SFP (sentential final particle) optatives -essumyen and -kilul take stance-related functions, undergoing insubordination and inviting pragmatic inferences. A corpus analysis will provide usage-based implications of the constructions.

Author Biography

  • Sunhee Yae, Chung-Ang University

    Sunhee Yae is an Associate Professor at Da Vinci College of General Education, Chung-Ang University, Seoul and Anseong-si (Gyeonggi-do), South Korea. She received her MA in language and linguistics from University of Essex in 1998 and her PhD in English linguistics from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in 2002. Her research interests are grammaticalization, discourse analysis, pragmatics, and cognitive linguistics.


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How to Cite

Yae, S. (2022). On the Korean optative constructions -essumyen and -kilul from grammaticalisation and pragmatics perspectives. East Asian Pragmatics, 8(1), 57–78. https://doi.org/10.1558/eap.21334