Grammaticalisation of Discourse Markers in East Asian Languages Introduction


  • Seongha Rhee Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  • Reijirou Shibasaki Meji University
  • Xinren Chen Nanjing University



grammaticalization, discourse marker, shishishang, jijitsujoo, sasilsang, sonojitsu, kisil, silsang



Author Biographies

  • Reijirou Shibasaki, Meji University

    Reijirou Shibasaki (PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara) is Professor at the School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University, Japan. His research focuses on historical linguistics, grammaticalization, language contact, and discourse analysis in the histories of English and Japanese, from a cross-linguistic perspective. His works have appeared in Explorations in English historical syntax (John Benjamins, 2018) and Grammar – discourse – context: Grammar and usage in language variation and change (De Gruyter, 2019). Currently, he is co-editing the special issue on Formulaicity in Japanese interactional discourse (Journal of Japanese Linguistics, De Gruyter) and a thematic volume on Formulaic language in the history of English (written in Japanese, Kaitakusha).  

  • Xinren Chen, Nanjing University

    Xinren Chen is professor of English and linguistics at Nanjing University, China. He is currently president of China Pragmatics Association (CPrA) and editor of East Asian Pragmatics. He has published extensively in Chinese as well as international journals. His major monographs, in Chinese or in English, include Pragmatic Identity: How to Do Things with Words of Identity (Beijing Normal University Press, 2018), Critical Pragmatic Studies on Chinese Public Discourse (Routledge, 2020), Exploring Identity Work in Chinese Communication (Bloomsbury, 2022), etc. He also edits some books like Psycho-Pragmatic Analyses of Public Discourse (Jinan University Press, 2013), Pragmatics and Foreign Language Teaching (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2014), Politeness Phenomena across Chinese Genres (Equinox, 2017), etc.


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How to Cite

Rhee, S. ., Shibasaki, R. ., & Chen, X. (2021). Grammaticalisation of Discourse Markers in East Asian Languages Introduction. East Asian Pragmatics, 6(3), 271–281.