Displaying entitlement

Accounts in request sequences


  • Shu Liu Shandong University of Science and Technology




accounts, requesting, conversation analysis, entitlement


Adopting the methodology of conversation analysis, this study explores accounts in request sequences in mundane Mandarin conversations. It demonstrates that accounts are normatively due in request sequences, often placed in four sequential positions, namely pre-expansions, the request turn (either prior or subsequent to the request proper), insert expansions, and post-expansions. Accounts in these positions may accomplish four main interactional functions: soliciting pre-emptive offers, justifying the initiation of the request, forestalling a dispreferred response, and legitimising the initiated request. These functions can be managed through providing background information attributing to the requester’s trouble, his or her inability to fulfil/get the requested action/the requested object and expressing his or her immediate or future needs. Essentially, accounts display the requester’s normative orientation to which they are deployed as a device of showing the requester’s entitlement to make a request.

Author Biography

  • Shu Liu, Shandong University of Science and Technology

    Shu Liu is a lecturer at the College of Foreign Languages of Shandong University of Science and Technology. Her research orientation lies in conversation analysis and pragmatics. At present she focuses on research concerning social actions, especially requesting in Mandarin Chinese. She has published in Language in Society, Modern Foreign Languages, and Foreign Language Education.


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How to Cite

Liu, S. (2020). Displaying entitlement: Accounts in request sequences. East Asian Pragmatics, 5(3), 345-369. https://doi.org/10.1558/eap.40080