The indexical regimentation of a male youth style in Japanese

Two approaches of metapragmatic discourse on a Q&A website


  • Momoko Nakamura Kanto Gakuin University



indexical regimentation, masculinity, metapragmatic discourse, politeness, style


This study explores how metapragmatic discourse denies the potential of a set of linguistic features to be recognised as a legitimate polite style. Examining the ways male students employ a new Japanese speech style involving su, the shortened form of the polite copula desu, and lay people’s evaluations of the style on a Q&A website, I demonstrate that the style’s multiple social meanings in local interactions are reduced in the mediatised website discourse. The analysis shows two main approaches to refuting the politeness of the style. One approach narrows the meanings of the style by positioning the style and its speakers as inferior to the polite style and polite speakers. The other approach reduces the style’s politeness by assigning it a humorous stance through stylised mocking. The findings suggest that the metapragmatic discourse serves to manage two culturally important boundaries between the polite/plain styles and hegemonic/subordinate masculinities.

Author Biography

  • Momoko Nakamura, Kanto Gakuin University

    Momoko Nakamura, PhD, is Professor of English at Kanto Gakuin University, Japan. Her recent publications include Gender, Language and Ideology: The Genealogy of Japanese Women’s Language (John Benjamins).


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How to Cite

Nakamura, M. (2021). The indexical regimentation of a male youth style in Japanese: Two approaches of metapragmatic discourse on a Q&A website. East Asian Pragmatics, 6(1), 9–37.