The use of utterance particles as assessment resources in Cantonese conversation


  • Ricardo Moutinho University of Macau
  • Weng I Lao University of Macau



utterance particles, assessment, epistemic position, cantonese


It has been reported in the literature that each language has very particular resources that show how participants mark their epistemic positions (Hayano, 2011; Iwasaki & Yap, 2015; Kärkkäinen, 2003, 2007; Thompson, 2002). Our main objective in this article is to discuss and explicate the use of these resources in a conversation carried out by young adults in Cantonese. We discuss how conversationalists mark and manage their epistemic positions through assessment devices carried out by certain utterance particles (a ma, ge, and gám) and other combining resources (such as use of first person plural pronouns, modal adverbs, and tag questions). To do so, we focus on the competition of rights to make assessments, turn design, and the sequential positioning of each participant during the interaction. Our results show that participants always search for ratification of their assessments and that the use of the three particles analysed herein play a fundamental role in this process. This work seeks to contribute to other studies that have analysed specific resources that participants use when claiming or defeating rights during the evaluation process of a matter at hand in languages other than English.

Author Biographies

  • Ricardo Moutinho, University of Macau

    Ricardo Moutinho is an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University ofMacau. He holds a bachelor's degree in Language and Literature, a master's degree in Applied Linguistics and a PhD in Interactional Sociolinguistics. Dr Moutinho is currently working on his two new research projects, 'Enhancing Qualitative Research on Language and Social Interaction' and 'Investigating Guided-Tour Interactions in Astronomical Observatories'. He has published more than thirty articles, six chapters, two books and has organised two special issues of journals specialising in Applied Linguistics. His research interests include 'Sequential and Categorial Analysis of Interaction' and 'Epistemic Marking in Ordinary and Institutional Conversations'.

  • Weng I Lao, University of Macau

    Weng I Lao is a Research Assistant at the University of Macau. She holds a bachelor's degree in Language and Literature and a master's degree in Applied Linguistics. Ms Lao works with utterance particles in Cantonese conversation by collecting and interpreting data from different interactional environments. She is also a member of the Hong Kong Macau Research Group on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis.


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How to Cite

Moutinho, R., & Lao, W. I. (2019). The use of utterance particles as assessment resources in Cantonese conversation. East Asian Pragmatics, 4(2), 191-215.