Learning L2 pronunciation with a mobile speech recognizer: French /y/


  • Denis Liakin Concordia University
  • Walcir Cardoso Concordia University
  • Natallia Liakina McGill University




speech recognition, pronunciation, second language acquisition, learner autonomy


This study investigates the acquisition of the L2 French vowel /y/ in a mobile-assisted learning environment, via the use of automatic speech recognition (ASR). Particularly, it addresses the question of whether ASR-based pronunciation instruction using a mobile device can improve the production and perception of French /y/. Forty-two elementary French students participated in an experimental study in which they were assigned to one of three groups: (1) the ASR Group, which used an ASR application on their mobile devices to complete weekly pronunciation activities, with immediate written visual (textual) feedback provided by the software and no human interaction; (2) the Non-ASR Group, which completed the same weekly pronunciation activities in individual weekly sessions but with a teacher who provided immediate oral feedback using recasts and repetitions; and finally, (3) the Control Group, which participated in weekly individual meetings ‘to practice their conversation skills’ with a teacher who provided no pronunciation feedback. The study followed a pretest/posttest design. According to the results of the dependent samples t-tests, only the ASR group improved significantly from pretest to posttest (p < 0.001), and none of the groups improved in perception. The overall success of the ASR group on the production measures suggests that this type of learning environment is propitious for the development of segmental features such as /y/ in L2 French.

Author Biographies

  • Denis Liakin, Concordia University
    Denis Liakin is an Associate Professor of French and Linguistics at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada). His research interests include effects of computer technology on L2 learning, corrective phonetics and second language acquisition of syntax.
  • Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University
    Walcir Cardoso is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada). He conducts research on the second/foreign language acquisition of phonology, morphosyntax and vocabulary, and the effects of computer technology (e.g., clickers, text to-speech synthesizers, automatic speech recognition) on L2 learning.
  • Natallia Liakina, McGill University
    Natallia Liakina’s professional experience includes teaching French as a second language at the university level in Ontario and in Quebec. Since 2006, she has taught at the French Language Centre at McGill University. Her current research is focused on corrective phonetics and the impact of new technologies on second language teaching and learning both in the classroom and in computer lab settings.


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How to Cite

Liakin, D., Cardoso, W., & Liakina, N. (2014). Learning L2 pronunciation with a mobile speech recognizer: French /y/. CALICO Journal, 32(1), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v32i1.25962