Encountering Buddhism in Twentieth-Century British and American Literature, edited by Lawrence Normand and Alison Winch.
Buddhism and literature, popular stories, rebirth, Shangri La, Beat Zen, modernity, E. Arnold, T. S. Eliot, R. Kipling, S. Yoe, H. G. Wells, O. Schreiner, e.e cummings, S. Beckett, Hong Kingston, Iris MurdochAbstract
Encountering Buddhism in Twentieth-Century British and American Literature, edited by Lawrence Normand and Alison Winch. Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. ix + 238pp. Hb. £59.99. ISBN-13: 9781441184764. Also available as an e-book.
Arnold, E. L. [1890] 1913. The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician, with an Introduction by Sir E. Arnold. London: Chatto & Windus.
Bauld, B. ‘Conrad’s Heart of Darkness’. In Explicator (Spring 1992). Printed online (site accessed 11th April 2014). Available online: http://www.mrbauld.com/exconrbud.html
Joseph C. Heart of Darkness. [1899] 1989. Ed. R. Kimbrough, Norton Critical Editions, 3rd ed. New York: Norton.
Eliot, G. Daniel Deronda. [1876] 1999. Ed.ited by Graham Handley. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kipling, R. [1893] 1907. Many Inventions. Macmillan Pocket Series. London: Macmillan and Co.
———. [1901] 1908. Kim. Macmillan Pocket Series. London: Macmillan and Co.
Prickett, S. 1979. Victorian Fantasy. Hassocks, Sussex: The Harvester Press Limited.
Yoe, S. (J. G. Scott). [1882] 1910. The Burman: his Life and Notions. 3rd edition. London: Macmillan and Co.
Bauld, B. ‘Conrad’s Heart of Darkness’. In Explicator (Spring 1992). Printed online (site accessed 11th April 2014). Available online: http://www.mrbauld.com/exconrbud.html
Joseph C. Heart of Darkness. [1899] 1989. Ed. R. Kimbrough, Norton Critical Editions, 3rd ed. New York: Norton.
Eliot, G. Daniel Deronda. [1876] 1999. Ed.ited by Graham Handley. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kipling, R. [1893] 1907. Many Inventions. Macmillan Pocket Series. London: Macmillan and Co.
———. [1901] 1908. Kim. Macmillan Pocket Series. London: Macmillan and Co.
Prickett, S. 1979. Victorian Fantasy. Hassocks, Sussex: The Harvester Press Limited.
Yoe, S. (J. G. Scott). [1882] 1910. The Burman: his Life and Notions. 3rd edition. London: Macmillan and Co.
How to Cite
Shaw, S. (2014). Encountering Buddhism in Twentieth-Century British and American Literature, edited by Lawrence Normand and Alison Winch. Buddhist Studies Review, 31(1), 146-151. https://doi.org/10.1558/bsrv.v31i1.146