Channa's Suicide in the Samyukta-agama


  • Bhikkhu Analayo Center for Buddhist Studies, University of Hamburg; Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan



Saṃyukta-āgama, Comparative Studies, Suicide, Arahant, Channa


The present article offers a translation of the Samyukta-agama parallel to the Channa-sutta of the Samyutta-nikaya, which describes the events surrounding the suicide of a monk who might have been an arahant.

Author Biography

  • Bhikkhu Analayo, Center for Buddhist Studies, University of Hamburg; Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan
    associate Professor, Center for Buddhist Studies, University of Hamburg, researcher, Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan


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How to Cite

Analayo, B. (2011). Channa’s Suicide in the Samyukta-agama. Buddhist Studies Review, 27(2), 125-137.