Religious Return Mobility in Pentecostalized Kenya


  • Yonatan N Gez Arnold Bergstraesser Institute


religious mobility, return mobility, Pentecostalism, Kenya, lived religion


Based on extensive fieldwork in urban Kenya, this paper grapples with one thematic question and one conceptual question. On the thematic side, it considers the under-explored countertrend of Kenyans who, having turned to Pentecostalism, eventually return to their former, mainline-Protestant or Catholic denomination. Such reverting raises questions concerning personal attachments, social contexts and pressures, and the unidirectionality of born-again conversions. On the conceptual side, the paper frames this phenomenon using the notion of “return religious mobility”, which I propose is best suited to the lived-religion approach. More broadly, the paper emphasizes the ongoing relevance of people’s often-invisible religious histories, raising methodological and epistemological questions that go not only beyond formal membership binarism but also beyond the presentist bias as reflected through exclusive attention to de facto practice.

Author Biography

  • Yonatan N Gez, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute

    Yonatan N. Gez is a social anthropologist studying international development and religion in East Africa. He currently serves as a Humboldt Fellow at the Arnold Berstraesser Institute in Freiburg (Germany) and as a research fellow at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (Switzerland), where he is a deputy PI on a Franco-Swiss research project titled Self-Accomplishment and Local Moralities in East Africa (Project SALMEA). His most recent monograph is Butinage: The Art of Religious Mobility (University of Toronto Press, 2021, co-authored with Yvan Droz, Jeanne Rey and Edio Soares).


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