The Past in Angolan Migrants' Conversion Narratives



  • Regien Smit VU University, Amsterdam


Angolan and Brazilian Pentecostalism, The Netherlands, migration, memory, conversion


This article aims to explore how space and time are involved in Angolan migrants’ conversion narratives in two different Pentecostal migrant churches in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. A comparison between two strategies of pastoral care and the decisive role they play in the church adherents’ way of dealing with their past is analyzed through a theoretical framework of memory and trauma, memory and conversion and implicit social knowledge.

Author Biography

  • Regien Smit, VU University, Amsterdam

    Regien Smit is a PhD-candidate at the VU University of Amsterdam. Her research project is part of the NWO funded Future of the Religious Past program titled "Conversion careers and Culture politics in global Pentecostalism".


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